Monday, February 4, 2013

I didnt forget...

Well as you can see i have not written anything in almost 2 years. Why you ask? Mostly because i have a 2 year old and dont have the time to get on a computer much since there is so many games to be played and books to be read. I must say that being a mom has been the greatest gift from God. Colton amazes me everyday with how smart he is and howmuch more he wants to learn. He is starting to put a few sentences together and bevoming more independent everyday. He went "peepee in potty" 2 times the other night but has not been remotely interested at all since then. If any of you moms have any advice on potty training a boy please feel free to let me know. :)

On another note all things are on track in the Leggett household. My husband and I had some trials and tribulations but thanks to the good Lord above we are back on track and going strong. Never underestimate the saying "God works in mysterious ways" because it is the truth. I am very thankful for everything he has done for myself and my family.

Well my son just woke up so i have to go tend to him but i plan on getting on more so stay tuned. I will leave you with a couple pictures for now.